[NOTE: This checklist is attached to the assignment and returned via E-mail or posted as a password-protected Web page.]
Writing Review Checklist    

Writing Task:

ASSIGNMENT: [NOTE: The assignment should include a detailed explanation of the process the instructor wants the student to follow in completing the writing task, the intended audience, and other guidance, such as "provide references from your online research"]

  Criteria for excellence: Focus on purpose and audience, creativity in depicting research and thoughts sufficiency of research, clarity of controlling idea, communicating intent to audience, absence of errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling.


Quality Standard:
Clearly understandable to the intended reader(s) in a single reading, and free of errors in grammar, mechanics, spelling, and usage. Appropriately follows guidelines from conference.



[NOTE: Working inductively using the items on the checklist below, the instructor will here summarize major strengths and areas for improvement. As more experience is gained with grading using a checklist in a paperless environment, the instructor can build a file of standard comments which can be quickly customized for each student.]

**Refer to checklist below for specific support of summary comments. A "+" means this area contributed to the quality of your writing. A "-" indicates a need for improvement. No Symbol indicates the area was not assessed or had no impact on the paper's effectiveness.**

Stage of Process: Rs = researching  O = Organizing  D = Drafting  Rv = Revising  P = Proofing


Assess STRATEGY During Rs&O

Rs ___ INTENT/PURPOSE: clear? [Comments go here with links, as appropriate, to online writing labs, other sites.]
Rs ___ AUDIENCE: targeted?
Rs ___ FOCUSED on a single controlling idea?
Rs ___ SCOPE is clearly delineated?
Rs ___ PERSPECTIVE is appropriate?


Assess SUBSTANCE During: O&D

O ___ CONTROLLING IDEA: sufficiently developed?
O ___ **Analysis**: are facts and opinions explained?
O ___ **EVIDENCE**: detailed and convincing?
O ___ CRITICAL THINKING: considers other perspectives? Both pro and con? 
O ___ MAIN SUPPORTING PARTS: clearly defined and simple?
O ___ Sequenced to fit purpose?
D ___ INTRODUCTION: sets stage?
O ___ Announces controlling idea?
O ___ States major parts?
D ___ TRANSITIONS: provide continuity and emphasis?
D ___ CONCLUSION: returns to controlling idea? reviews ideas?
D ___ DOCUMENT DESIGN: promotes quick, clear understanding?


Assess STYLE During: Rv

Rv ___ UNIFIED paragraphs: clear central ideas?
Rv ___ COHERENT sentences: coordinated and clear?
Rv ___ Word choice: exact, vivid?
Rv ___ Tone: expressive, not ambiguous or vague
Rv ___ EFFICIENT: paragraphs?
Rv ___ Active voice primary?
Rv ___ Efficient vocabulary? Minimal jargon?


Assess CORRECTNESS During: P

P ___ CONVENTIONAL: grammar?
P ___ Punctuation?
P ___ Spelling?
P ___ Documentation: fits accepted formats?
P ___ Appearance: professional?