Announces the Annual Membership Meeting

Organizational Sponsors:

Missouri Department of Elementary
                  and Secondary Education

July 16, 2001  Starting at 10:00am


Located at the Ike Skelton National Guard Facility, Jefferson City, MO (Directions will be sent with registration confirmation letter.)

Cytek and Polycom and bennes toys


Keynote Speaker will be Dr. James Morrison sponsored by Cytek and TANDBERG

Founder of On the Horizon and The Technology Source, and professor of education at North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Dr. Morrison is author and co-author of over 200 publications focusing on educational planning and using information technology tools.  Dr. Morrison has delivered numerous conference presentations and workshops for associations such as EDUCAUSE, AAHE, the College Board and others.  He has served as a planning consultant to a number of colleges, universities, university systems, community colleges, educational agencies and public agencies such as the U.S. Department of Labor, and Department of the Army.  His consulting activities focus on assisting organizations to integrate information technology tools in teaching and management.

The title of his Speech is “The Future of Distance Learning.” Professor Morrison will describe the driving forces that will affect education and distance learning in this decade and will focus on the implications of these forces for education and distance learning.


9:00am - Advisory Committee Breakfast (Sponsored by bennes toys)

9:30am - Exhibits Open

10:00am – 11:00am - - Keynote Speaker 

11:10am – Noon - - Breakout Session

Noon – 1:00pm - - Lunch (Sponsored by Integrative Solutions)

Noon – 1:00pm - - Visit with Exhibitors

1:00pm – 1:50pm - - Breakout Session

2:00pm – 2:50pm - - Breakout Session

Break out session descriptions:

Please fill out the following registration form and fax or send it to:

Lora Smith
404 Humphreys, CMSU
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Fax:  660-524-8333

If you have any questions, please call Lora at 660-543-8724

Registration Form:                           Lunch and breaks provided


Summer Address: ______________________________________________________

Work Address (if different):______________________________________________


E-mail address:________________________________________________________

____ $15 for MoDLA Member                      ____$25 for Non-member

____ $50 for Non-member (includes membership)                     

FOR MEMBERS:  ____YES, I would like to have a table to display distance learning information.