Robert M. Terry | |
![]() EDUCATION Randolph-Macon College Linguistics Institute Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana (Summer 1964) Duke University Durham, North Carolina Ph. D. in Romance Languages 1966 Ecole française d'été Middlebury College Major: French Middlebury, Vermont Summers 1961, 1962 Double Minor: Spanish, Italian Dissertation: Contemporary French Interrogative Structures Teacher of French Lee-Davis High School Mechanicsville, VA (1962) Assistant Professor of French University of Florida Gainesville, FL (1966-1968) Part-time Instructor of French Duke University Durham, NC (1963-1996) Associate Professor of French University of Richmond Richmond, VA (1968-1983) Professor of French University of Richmond Richmond, VA (1983 ) Chairman, Department of Modern Foreign Languages & Literatures (1990-1994)
AWARDS AND HONORS Robert J. Ludwig National Distinguished Leadership Award, presented by the New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Kiamesha Lake, NY, October 21, 1995. Travel grant from Faculty Research Committee, University of Richmond, for travel to the Third Caribbean Language Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad, August 10-August 13, 1993, to deliver a plenary address on "Instruction in the Context of New Curricular Trends." Travel grant from Faculty Research Committee, University of Richmond, for travel to the Second Caribbean Language Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad, July 8-July 14, 1991.
Recipient, Stephen A. Freeman Award for the "best published article on language teaching techniques," 1989, from The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, April 1990. Grant from P.E.T.E. (Program for the Enhancement of Teaching Effectiveness, University of Richmond, 1987, for participation in the Curriculum and Instruction Workshop, The Pennsylvania State University, May 27-31, 1987. Grant from P.E.T.E. (Program for the Enhancement of Teaching Effectiveness), University of Richmond, 1984, for participation in Oral proficiency training workshop, University of Pennsylvania. Stage from the Fondation Franco-Américaine, Paris, for study in France, May 31-June 21, 1986. Grant from P.E.T.E. (Program for the Enhancement of Teaching Effectiveness), University of Richmond, 1986, for participation in the stage with the Fondation Franco- Américaine, Paris, summer 1986. Phi Beta Kappa Omicron Delta Kappa Psi Tau Omega (French honorary) Phi Gamma Mu (social science honorary) Chi Beta Phi (general science honorary) Beta Beta Beta (biology honorary) Pi Delta Epsilon (journalism honorary) Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities Personalities of the South (1981) The International Authors and Writers Who's Who Dictionary of International Biography Community Leaders in Virginia International Scholars Dictionary The World Who's Who of Authors Who's Who in Virginia for 1974, 1976 Who's Who Among Authors and Journalists Who's Who in America Who's Who in the South and Southwest 1991 N.D.E.A. Title IV fellowship, 1962-1965 Grant from the American Council of Learned Societies (1964) Who's Who in American Education, 4th edition (1993) American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages American Association of Teachers of French American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators Caribbean Foreign Language Association Foreign Language Association of Virginia Pacific Northwest Council for Languages Southern Conference on Language Teaching Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND CONSULTATION Outside evaluator, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA - evaluation of program of integration of multimedia materials into foreign language instruction, September 5-7, 1997. Outside evaluator, Middlebury College - "Technology and Language Instruction for the 21st Century," a conference sponsored by Middlebury College with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Middlebury, VT, June 20-22, 1997. Outside evaluator, Foreign Language Department, Willamette University, Salem, OR. January 20-21, 1997. Outside evaluator, Middlebury College - Mellon Foundation Grant Workshops: "Teaching Languages with Technology." Middlebury, VT. July 30 - August 3, 1996. Outside Evaluator, Middlebury College Summer Language Schools Intensive Undergraduate French and Spanish Programs. Middlebury, VT. July 23 - 26, 1966. Associate Editor, Technology-Enhanced Language Learning. ACTFL Foreign Language Education Series, 1996. Outside Evaluator, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI, November 1-2, 1995. Member, French writing team, MultiCAT placement tests, National Foreign Language Resource Center, The Ohio State University, 1995-1997. President, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1994. Peer review for promotion and tenure Baruch College, City College of New York, 1997; University of Texas - San Antonio, 1996; Florida State University, 1996, 1997; University of Nebraska, Northeastern University, Wake Forest University, 1994; Oregon State University, 1993; University of South Carolina, 1992. Other schools include University of Cincinnati, College of William and Mary; Georgia Institute of Technology, Emory University. Consultant and outside evaluator, Department of Modern Languages, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX, March 24-March 27, 1994. Coordinator, Tech Fair, Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, DC, November 25, 1991; Rosemont, IL, November 22, 1992; San Antonio, TX, November 22, 1993. Chairman, 1993, 1995, Northwest Language Teachers of the Year Selection Committee, Pacific Northwest Council for Languages. Consultant, National Research Council, Agency for International Development, University Development Linkages Project, Washington, D.C., for reviewing grant proposals, 1991, 1992. Consultant, Department of World Language and Cultures, Samford University, Birmingham, AL, for a two-day workshop on assessment, July 19-20, 1991. Editorial Board, SCOLT (Southern Conference on Language Teaching) (1988-1991). Consultant, Chatham County (GA) Public Schools, Savannah, GA, for the creation of a county-wide foreign language testing program, spring-summer, 1990. Consultant, Baltimore County (MD) Public Schools, Towson, MD, for revision of school curriculum, 1989. Consultant, Virginia Department of Education, Foreign Languages, Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language, for evaluation and proposal concerning revision of Virginia teacher certification guidelines, July, 1989. Consultant, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, for revising listening and reading components of the College Board Achievement Test in French, 1987-88. Participant, Curriculum and Instruction Workshop, Penn State University, May 27-31, 1987. Consultant, Coordinating Board, Texas Education Agency, Austin, TX, as evaluator of EESA Title II grant proposals, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989. Consultant, ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), for planning of Annual Meeting, 1986-1997. Supervising Editor, ACTFL Materials Center. Evaluator of Department of Foreign Languages, Roanoke College, Salem, VA, Fall 1985. Member, Selection Committee for Florence Steiner Awards for Leadership in Foreign Language Education, ACTFL, 1986. Consultant, Virginia Department of Education, Testing Division, 1985, 1986. Maryland Department of Education, Summer, 1985, 1986. Consultant, York County, VA, Public Schools, for curriculum design for foreign language in the elementary school program, 1985-1986. Member, visiting evaluation committee for Teacher Approved Program, Randolph-Macon College, for Virginia Department of Education, February, 1985. Chairman, Annual Meeting Committee, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1985. ACTFL Delegate to meeting of Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes, London, England, September 19-22, 1984. Local arrangements Chairman, Southern Conference on Language Teaching, Richmond, VA; October 7-9, 1982. Participant, Foreign Language Workshop on Learner Objectives K-12 for Virginia Standards of Learning Program, Radford College, June 1982, 1983, 1984. Chairman, The National Textbook Company Award for Building Community Interest in Foreign Language Education; ACTFL, 1982. Member, ACTFL Nominating Committee, 1980-1981. Manuscript and text reviewer for Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Inc., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Prentice-Hall, Inc., John H. Wiley & Sons Publishers. College representative, Chesterfield County, VA; Pilot Adoption Committee for foreign language textbooks for the State of Virginia, 1979. Interpreter, State of Virginia, Governor's Office. Article and book reviewer for The Modern Language Journal, The French Review, and Bulletin of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia. Member, Certification Study Committee for Foreign Languages, Virginia Department of Education. UNIVERSITY SERVICE President's College Associate, Robins Hall, 1997-1998. Hotline Advisor, July, 1997. First-Year Advisor, 1997-1998. President's College Associate, Jeter Hall, 1996-1997. Chair, Nominating Committee, 1995-1997. Committee on Committees, 1995-1997. Teacher Education Advisory Committee, 1995-1996. Ad hoc committee on University Travel and Entertainment Card and Procurement Card, 1996. Chairman, Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1990-1993; reappointed 1993; resigned effective July 1, 1994. Member, Nominating Committee, 1993 - l997. Program for the Enhancement of Teaching Effectiveness, Committee Member, 1988-1991. Faculty advisor, Theta Chi Fraternity, 1988-1994. University Marshal, 1987 . Interim Chairman, Department of Modern Foreign Languages, Spring 1987. Coordinator, Graduate and Continuing Education Program Committee. University of Richmond Institutional Self-Study Committee, 1986-87, 1987-88. Faculty advisor, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, 1985-1986; Theta Chi Fraternity, 1989-1992. Member, Admissions Committee, University of Richmond (1984-1987). Faculty advisor, Richmond College (1974-1980; 1982-1985). University Committee member for Advisory Committee for the Teacher-approved Program. College supervisor of student teachers in modern foreign languages. University committee member for Academic Computing Committee. Ad hoc committee for University Faculty Advisory Panel. Chairman, Honors Committee, University of Richmond. Member, numerous departmental committees. Graduate Council (1983-1990). President, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1994. Chairman, Nominating Committee, Foreign Language Association of Virginia, 1993. Chairman, Board of Directors of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1992-93. Editor, Dimensions, annual publication of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1991 - 1997. Board of Directors, Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1989-1995. Executive Council, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (1983-1985). Editor, Les Nouvelles, (newsletter of Virginia Chapter of American Association of Teachers of French) (1983-1986). Ex-officio member of Executive Board, AATF Virginia Chapter. President, Epsilon Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, University of Richmond (1981-1982). President, Foreign Language Association of Virginia (1980-1981). SPEECHES AND TALKS PRESENTED "Testing to Assess Communicative Competence," Public lecture, The University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, April 16, 1997. "Standards for Foreign Language Learning Phase I," Public Lecture, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, February 14, 1997. "National Standards, Local Realities," Keynote speech, Ohio Foreign Language Association Annual Conference, Akron, OH, March 8, 1996. "Expectations of Excellence: Preparing for Our Future," Keynote speech, New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Kiamesha Lake, NY, October 21, 1995. "Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century," Keynote speech, Heart of America II Joint Conference [Foreign Language Association of Missouri, Kansas Foreign Language Association], Kansas City, MO, October 28, 1995. "What is Literacy in Vocational Education and Foreign Language," Literacy Across the Curriculum Series, Prince William County (VA) Public Schools and VSEN, Panel member, Public Television broadcast, May 16, 1995. "National Perspectives on Foreign Language Education," Virginia Community College System Foreign Languages Peer Group Conference, Keynote speech, Roanoke, VA, April 21, 1995. "Future Trajectories in Foreign Language Teaching," The Distinguished Teaching Professor Lecture Series, State University of New York Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, April 17, 1995. "Changes in Foreign Language Instruction," General session address, Foreign Language Pedagogy and Instruction: Theory and Practice, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI, March 4 1994. "Instruction in the Context of New Curricular Trends," Third Caribbean Language Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, August 12, 1993. "Continuity in Foreign Language Learning," Maryland Foreign Language Association Spring Conference, Columbia, MD, May 8, 1993. "A World of Change," Keynote speech, Annual Meeting of the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC, October 22-24, 1992. "I Will Ride a Bicycle, Not a Bandwagon." Keynote address delivered at Iowa Foreign Language Association Fall Conference, Iowa City, IA, October 11, 1991. "Motivation through Personalization." Plenary paper delivered, Second Caribbean Language Conference, Port of Spain, Trinidad, July 10, 1991. "Okay ... I'm on the Proficiency 'Bandwagon': Now What?" Keynote address, Winterfest Foreign Language Conference, Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Springfield, IL, February 16, 1991. "Testing in the Foreign Language Classroom." Lecture delivered at the 49th Annual Seminar, União Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos, São Paulo, Brazil, January 14, 1991. "Teaching and Evaluating the Speaking Skill." Lecture delivered at the 49th Annual Seminar, União Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos, São Paulo, Brazil, January 17, 1991. "Where Should SCOLT and the Profession Go from Here?" Luncheon speech, Silver Anniversary Conference, Southern Conference on Language Teaching and Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association, Little Rock, AR, October 20, 1989. "No Book Should Drive a Course: Put Yourself in the Driver's Seat," Keynote speech, Spring Methodology Workshop on Foreign Language Teaching, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, April 21, 1989. "A New Concept: Proficiency in the United States," Guest speaker, União Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos, São Paulo, Brazil, January 9-16, 1988; January 12, 1989. "A Dynamic Union: The Virginia Standards of Learning Program in Foreign Languages and Proficiency," keynote speech delivered at Fairfax County (VA) Foreign Language Countywide Inservice, McLean, VA, August 27, 1986. "Standards of Learning in the Commonwealth: Virginia is in the Vanguard," Keynote speech delivered for Piedmont Foreign Language Educators Alliance, Lynchburg, VA, September 16, 1985. "The State of the Art in Foreign-Language Teaching," Guest lecture, Defense Language Institute; Monterey, CA, January 11-12, 1982. PAPERS AND SESSIONS PRESENTED, INSERVICE PROGRAMS, AND WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED "Developing and Evaluating Writing Skills: A Workshop," The University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, April 16, 1997. "Teaching and Evaluating Writing Skills," Department of French and Italian, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, February 15, 1997. "The Magic of Motivation: Teaching with Multimedia," Heinle & Heinle Publishers Winter Institute, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, January 11, 1997. "Developing Writing Skills in Lower-Level Language Courses...and Technology Can Help," Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Appleton, WI, November 1, 1996. "Testing the Four Skills in the Foreign Language Classroom," Montana Association of Language Teachers, Helena, MT, October 18, 1996. "Teaching and Evaluating Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom," Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures, Bloomington, MN, October 17, 1996. "Foreign Language National Standards and the Future of Foreign Language Teaching," In-service workshop, Albemarle County, VA, Public Schools. Charlottesville, VA, August 19, 1996. "Computer Technology for Teaching in Foreign Languages and ESL: Demonstration and Hands-On Session," Worshop, "Opening Doors to Technology in Classrooms," Walsh University, North Canton, OH. July 11-12, 1996. "Reading Skill Development in Lower-Level Language Courses," Session, Central States Conference on Language Teaching, Louisville, KY, March 30, 1996. "The Status of Foreign Language in the United States: A Call to Action!" Panel member, Foreign Language Assocation of Virginia Annual Conference, Richmond, VA, November 10, 1995. "Teaching and Evaluating Writing," Workshop, Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Appleton, WI, November 3, 1995. "National Standards Update," Session with Christine Brown, Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Appleton, WI, November , 1995. "You Can't Just 'Was' All at Once! Teaching the Concepts of Pastness," Session, Wisconsin Association of Foreign Language Teachers, Appleton, WI, November 4, 1995. "Testing in a Proficiency-Based Classroom," Plenary Session Workshop, West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers' Association Fall Conference, Parkersburg, WV, September 23, 1995. "Pragmatic Reflections on Motivation in the L2 Classroom," Session (presented twice), Joint Conference of Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Langauges, Southwest Conference on Language Teaching, Denver, CO, March 29-April 2, 1995. "National Standards K-12 in Foreign Language Education," In-service training program for Spotsylvania County (VA) Public Schools, Spotsylvania Courthouse, VA, February 21, 1995. "National Standards: Local Realities: The First Draft." Co-presenter, 1994 Annual Conference of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, Richmond, VA, October 22, 1994. "What is the State of Teaching for Proficiency in the Commonwealth?" Panel member, 1994 Annual Conference of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, Richmond, VA, October 21, 1994. "National Foreign Languages Standards K-12 and State Mandates," Inservice, Foreign Language Immersion Center, J.R. Tucker High School, Richmond, VA, October 4, 1994. "Assessment in a Proficiency-Oriented Classroom," Half-day workshop, Departments of Spanish & Portuguese, French & Italian, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, April 23, 1994. "Testing in a Proficiency-Oriented Classroom," Whole-day workshop, Putnam City Schools, Oklahoma City, OK, April 13, 1994. "Facets of Instruction: Writing in the Proficiency-Based Classroom." Half-day workshop, Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association, Little Rock, AR, April 7, 1994. "Writing in a Proficiency-Oriented Classroom." Presentation at Seventh Annual Saturday Seminar for Virginia High School Teachers of French and Spanish, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, VA, March 19, 1994. "Curriculum Design," One-day workshop presented for Mount Anthony Schools, Bennington, VT, November 12, 1993. "Proficiency-oriented Curriculum Design, Instruction, and Evaluation." Two-day workshop presented for Mount Anthony Schools, Bennington, VT, April 2-3, 1993. "You Can't Just 'Was' All At Once: Teaching the Concepts of Past." Three-hour workshop presented at Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Rosemont, IL, November 19, 1992. "Task-based Writing." Session presented at "Issues in Foreign Language Programs: An Exploration of the Challenges," Institute for Academic Technology, Research Triangle Park, NC, November 7, 1992. "Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom: Task-Based Writing." Half-day workshop presented for Spotsylvania County (VA) Public Schools, Fredericksburg, VA, November 3, 1992. "Teaching At Risk Foreign Language Learners: Testing in a Proficiency-Oriented Classroom," Full-day workshop presented for Fulton County (GA) Board of Education, Atlanta, GA, October 3, 1992. "Developing Writing Skills." Half-day workshop presented at 1992 Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages and Idaho Association of Teachers of Languages and Cultures, Boise, ID, April 30, 1992. "Système-D and Teaching Writing in French." Session presented at 1992 Foreign Language Association of Virginia Annual Meeting, Williamsburg, VA, March 28, 1992. "Creative Testing in the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom." Full-day workshop presented at The Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, LA, February 21, 1992. "Teaching the Concepts of Pastness: The Passé composé/Pretérito and the Imperfect." Half-day workshop presented at Southern Conference on Language Teaching/Foreign Language Association of North Carolina Twenty-fifth Annual Conference, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 24, 1991. "Developing Writing Skills." Workshop presented at Iowa Foreign Language Association Fall Conference, Iowa City, IA, October 12, 1991. "Testing is Not a Necessary Evil." Half-day workshop presented at Iowa Foreign Language Association Fall Conference, Iowa City, IA, October 12, 1991. "Assessment in the Proficiency-oriented Classroom." Two-day workshop presented for faculty of Department of World Languages and Cultures, Samford University, Birmingham, AL, July 19-20, 1991. "Proficiency-oriented Classroom Testing: The Evaluation Connection." Full-day workshop presented at 1991 Annual Conference of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York, NY, April 25, 1991. "Placement: Policies, Procedures, Proficiency." Panel member, Foreign Language Association of Virginia Annual Meeting, Farmville, VA, April 5, 1991. "Assessment in the Proficiency-oriented Classroom." Full-day workshop presented for teachers of Cherry Creek Schools, Englewood, CO, March 16, 1991. "Testing in a Proficiency-oriented Classroom." Full-day workshop presented at Annual Foreign Language Conference, Francis Marion College, Florence, SC, March 8, 1991. "If Our Students Say They Want to Learn to Speak the Language, Why Won't They Talk?" Workshop conducted at the Winterfest Foreign Language Conference, Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Springfield, IL, February 16, 1991. "Advanced English Conversation." Workshops conducted at the 49th Annual Seminar, União Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos, São Paulo, Brazil, January 14-18, 1991. "Write from the Beginning: Integrating Writing Skills into a Proficiency-based Classroom." Half-day workshop presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Nashville, TN, November 16, 1990. "Evaluating Speaking in the Foreign Language Classroom." Workshop presented, Spot- sylania County (VA) Public Schools, April, 1990. "The U.S.A....Culturally Speaking," workshops conducted at the 48th Annual Seminar, União Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos, São Paulo, Brazil, January 8-12, 1990. "Students Say They Want to Learn to Speak the Language...But They Won't Talk," session presented at 1989 ACTFL Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 17, 1989. "Testing in Today's Foreign Language Classroom: Catching Up with the Times," workshop presented at Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers, Denver, CO, November 4, 1989. "If Our Students Say They Want to Learn to Speak the Language, Why Won't They Talk?" Paper presented at 28th Annual Foreign Language Conference, Virginia Department of Education, October 28, 1989. Chair, Panel session, "Dare We Suggest Instructional Objectives at the Post-secondary Level?" 28th Annual Foreign Language Conference, Virginia Department of Education, October 27, 1989. "A Forward Look at Foreign Language Testing," workshop presented at Silver Anniversary Conference, Southern Conference on Language Teaching and Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association, Little Rock, AR, October 21, 1989. "Communicative Writing in the Proficiency-oriented Classroom," workshop presented at 1989 Wisconsin Education Association Council Convention, Madison, WI, October 26, 1989. "Integration of New Technologies in the Foreign Language Classroom," paper presented at New Directions in Foreign Language Instruction Conference, Wellesley, MA, August 24, 1989. "Write from the Beginning: Integrating Writing Skills into a Proficiency-based Classroom," workshop conducted at Tarrant County Junior College, Hurst, TX, July 24-27, 1989. "Foreign Language Assessment Project: Curriculum Design and Testing," University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, April 28-29, 1989. "Evaluating Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom," Spring Methodology Workshop on Foreign Language Teaching, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA, April 21, 1989. "Testing What [and How] You Teach: Creative Testing in the Proficiency-oriented Classroom," half-day workshop, Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Nashville, TN, April 14, 1989. "The Classroom of the Future: A Multi-Media Approach to Language Learning," presenter, Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Nashville, TN, April 15, 1989. "The Development, Practice and Evaluation of Speaking Skills," workshop, Berkeley County Public Schools, Martinsburg, WV, April 8, 1989. "Testing Reading and Writing in a Proficiency Framework," co-presenter of a full-day workshop with Alice Omaggio-Hadley, Fort Worth Independent School District, Fort Worth, TX, March 4, 1989. "Teaching and Testing Writing," Two workshops conducted at the União Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos, São Paulo, Brazil, January 9-13, 1989. North Carolina Governor's Language Institute, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Instructor in foreign language methodology, July 1988. "Teaching for Proficiency," workshop conducted for Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools, June 22-23, 1988. "Assessment in the Second Language Program," Workshop team-taught with Professor Alice C. Omaggio, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, June 15-17, 1988. "Activities for the Beginning-level Classroom: Proficiency-based Instruction," Martinsburg, WV, May 14, 1988. "Proficiency is Not Just Oral: Teaching and Testing Writing in the Beginning-level Classroom," Joint meeting of Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Southwest Conference on Language Teaching, Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teaching, Denver, CO, April 16, 1988. "Effective Novice-level Activities for the Beginning Foreign Language Student," ACTFL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 21, 1987. "Contextualization in Foreign Language Teaching," 37th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Richmond, October 8, 1987. "Creative Testing in the Foreign Language Classroom," Annual Meeting, Foreign Language Association of Virginia, Richmond, VA, April 4, 1987. "Franco-American Foundation stages in France," co-presenter with William N. Hatfield, ACTFL Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, November, 1986. "Developing Opportunities to Learn," panel member, 25th Annual Conference, Virginia Department of Education, Richmond, VA, October 17, 1986. "The ACTFL Guidelines and the Standards of Learning," 25th Annual Conference, Virginia Department of Education, Richmond, VA, October 18, 1986. "Let's Stop Creating Frankenstein's Monster: Proficiency-focused Foreign Language Teaching and Testing," Language Arts Workshop, Williamsport, PA, October 1986. "Oral Proficiency Activities for the Classroom," workshop presented at Fairfax County (VA) Foreign Language Countywide Inservice, McLean, VA, August 27, 1986. "The Standards of Learning and the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom," workshop taught for University of Virginia Division of Continuing Education, Abingdon, VA, July 7-July 17, 1986. "Testing for Proficiency: Creativity Has a Place on Paper-and-Pencil Tests,Too!," workshop for Texas Foreign Language Association, Nacogdoches, TX, March 1, 1986. "Oral Proficiency Testing," workshop for York County Public Schools, January 1986. "Creativity Has a Place on Paper-and-pencil Tests," session presented at 1985 ACTFL Annual Meeting, New York City, November 29, 1985. "Developing Foreign Language Materials for the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom," panel discussion, 1985 ACTFL Annual Meeting, New York City, November 29, 1985. "Implications of the Proficiency Movement in the Classroom," paper presented at the 1985 Professional Day Conference, Virginia Association of Independent Schools, Richmond, VA, December 2, 1985. "Don't Fear the Past: Effective Techniques for Teaching the Concept of Pastness," paper presented at the 24th Annual Foreign Language Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, October 11, 1985. "Teaching and Testing in a Proficiency-Oriented Classroom," workshop conducted for Howard County, MD, Public Schools, August 28, 1985. "Don't Fear the Past: Effective Techniques for Teaching the Concept of Pastness," Twenty-fourth Annual Foreign Language Conference, Virginia Department of Education, Virginia Beach, VA, October 11, 1985. "Proficiency in the Foreign-Language Classroom," in-service workshop for Richmond City Public Schools, April, 1985. "New Tricks for an Old Dog: Teaching the Passé composé/Imparfait (Pretérito/ Imperfecto)," Foreign Language Association of Virginia, March, 1985. "Oral Proficiency Testing," in-service workshop for Henrico County Public School, February 15, 1985. "Teaching and Testing for Proficiency," workshop for Richmond City Public Schools, August 23, 1984. "Teaching What You Test," workshop for the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers and the Southwest Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; Colorado Springs, CO, March 1, 1984. Panel member on The Virginia Standards of Learning, Conference of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia; Harrisonburg, VA, April 7, 1984. Panel member on "Linguistics in the Foreign-Language Classroom," Conference of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia; Harrisonburg, VA, April 7, 1984. "New Tricks for an Old Dog: Teaching the Passé composé/imparfait (Pretérito/imperfecto)," Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; Baltimore, MD, April 28, 1983. Consultant and Instructor of mini-course, "Foreign Language Tests," Prince William County, VA, Public Schools; Manassas, VA; January 11, 1983. "Interrogative Incompetence," Southern Conference on Language Teaching; Richmond, VA; October 1982. In-service workshop, Hanover County VA Public Schools, Mechanicsville, VA; May 1982. "CPR for Past Tenses, or Breathing New Life into the Teaching of the Passé composé and the Imperfect," Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; Louisville, KY; April 1982. Section chairman and Panel member, "Foreign Language Learning...The On-going Process," Annual Meeting of Foreign Language Association of Virginia; Alexandria, VA; March 1982. "The Nuts and Bolts of Foreign-language Teaching," Virginia Association of Independent Schools; Norfolk, VA; November 30, 1981. "Interrogative Competence," ACTFL Annual Conference; Denver, CO; November 28, 1981. "What do you mean by 'I spoke'?: Concepts of Pastness," Annual meeting of Southern Conference on Language Teaching; Atlanta, GA; October 1-3, 1981. In-service workshop, Hanover County VA Public Schools; Mechanicsville, VA; August 1981. In-service workshop, Roanoke County VA Public Schools; Salem VA; August 1981. "Revitalizing Intermediate-level College Foreign-language Courses Through the Use of Modules: From Turn-off to Turn-on," South Atlantic Modern Language Association; Atlanta GA; November 1980. Workshop for in-service training, Henrico County VA Public Schools; June 1980. Section chairman, Foreign Language Teaching at the Secondary Level, Foreign Language Association of Virginia; Fredericksburg VA; April 1980. "Recipe for a Dynamic Classroom," workshop conducted for Virginia Department of Education, Southwest Regional Foreign Language Conference; Wytheville VA; March 1980. "Rethinking and Restructuring Levels III-V in Secondary Foreign Language Education," Foreign Language Association of Virginia; Sweet Briar VA; March 1979. "Foreign Languages in the Independent Schools," "Methods in Foreign-language Classes," (workshops and papers) 1977 Annual Teachers Conference of the North Carolina Association of Independent Schools; Raleigh NC; November 1977. "Monique, the Assistante," Sixteenth Annual Foreign Language Conference, Department of Education; Richmond VA; October 1977. "Monique: Computer-assisted Drillwork," Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference; Blacksburg VA; October 1976. "What Else to Do? Supplementary Aids for Language Teaching," Virginia Association of Independent Schools Teachers Conference; Richmond VA; November 1975. "Practical Methodology in Teaching Foreign Languages," District I Annual Meeting, Virginia Education Association; Marion VA; September 1974. "The Colleges Show the Way: Some Examples of Leadership for the Schools," panel member, State Conference, Virginia Department of Education; Fredericksburg VA; September 1972. PUBLICATIONS Books Terry, Robert M., ed. Dimension '97: Addressing the Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Selected proceedings of the 1997 Joint Conference of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching and the South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers' Association, 1997. Bush, Michael and Robert M. Terry, eds. Technology-Enhanced Language Learning, The ACTFL Foreign Language Education Series. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1996. Terry, Robert M., ed. Dimension '96: Global Access Through Languages. Selected proceedings of the 1996 Joint Conference of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching and the Alabama Association of Foreign Language Teachers. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1996. Donato, Richard and Robert M. Terry, eds. Foreign Language Learning: The Journey of a Lifetime, The ACTFL Foreign Language Education Series. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1995. Terry, Robert M., ed. Dimension '95: The Future is Now! Selected proceedings of the 1995 Joint Conference of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching and the South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers' Association. Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1995. Teacher's Guide: Atajo, Writing Assistant for Spanish, co-author with Virginia M. Scott, Frank A Dominguez. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1995. Teacher's Guide for Système-D, co-author with Virginia M. Scott. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1992. Intersections: Lectures littéraires et culturelles, co-author with Susan S. St. Onge and Ronald R. St. Onge, Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Boston, MA, second edition, 1991. Vous y êtes! French for Proficiency, 2nd edition, co-author with Susan S. St. Onge. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1990. Leadership for Foreign Language Organizations: A Handbook. Editor. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, November 1988. Vous y êtes! French for Proficiency, co-author with Susan S. St. Onge, Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Boston, MA, February 1986. Intersections: Lectures littéraires et culturelles, co-author with Susan S. St. Onge and Ronald R. St. Onge, Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Boston, MA, March 1987. Accent: Conversational French One, co-author with Pierre FranHois and Rudolph Mondelli, Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Boston, MA, March 1984. Interrogative Competence, in ACTFL Master Lecture Series. Monterey, CA: Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, January 1982. (Also accepted for inclusion in the ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics database, 1986). En bref...Enfin, University of Richmond, VA (private printing), 1977; revised 1980, 1981, 1982. Contemporary French Interrogative Structures, Editions Cosmos, Sherbrooke, Canada, 1970. Hull, Alexander, Robert Terry, et al. Le Français: Langue écrite et langue parlée, Cahier d'exercices. McGraw-Hill, 1966. Articles and Materials "Authentic Tasks and Materials in Testing in the Foreign Language Classroom," in Trends in Foreign Language Teaching, Madeleine Lively, Jane Harper, Mary Williams, eds. Invited article. In press. "Teaching Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom," in EMCParadigm Echo, Vol. 6, Issue 4, Fall 1996, pp. 2-3. "Foreword," in Managing the High School Foreign Language Department: A Handbook for Teachers and Administrators. Richard B. Klein and Sam L. Slick, eds. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1996, pp. xv-xvi. "Reading Skills Development in Lower-Level Language Courses," in Emily Spinelli, ed., Creating Opportunities for Excellence Through Language, Report of Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1996, pp. 56-66. "Expectations of Excellence: Preparing for Our Future," in Patricia Seaver, ed., Language Association Bulletin: New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers. Vol. XLVII, No. 2 (January 1996), pp. 1-8. " Pragmatic Reflections on Motivation in the L2 Classroom," in Gale K. Crouse, ed., Broadening the Frontiers of Foreign Language Education, Report of Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1995, pp. 1-18. "Instruction in the Context of New Curricular Trends," Towards the Global Economy: Challenges and Options for Foreign Language Educators in the Hemisphere, Proceedings of the Third Caribbean Language Conference. Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: NIHERST/SOL, 1995, pp. 53-66. "Staff Development for Foreign Language Faculty," in Sam L. Slick and Richard B. Klein (eds.), Managing the Foreign Language Department: A Chairperson's Primer, Valdosta, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching, 1993, pp. 97-104. "A Pragmatic Consideration of Motivation in the Foreign Language Classroom," Instructional Innovation for the Foreign Language Classroom. Proceedings of the Second Caribbean Language Conference. Port of Spain, Trinidad: School of Languages NIHERST, 1992, pp. 42-57. "Improving Inter-rater Reliability in Scoring Tests in Multi-section Courses," in Joel C. Walz, ed., Development and Supervision of Teaching Assistants in Foreign Languages, Issues in Language Program Direction of the American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators, and Directors of Foreign Language Programs (AAUSC), Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1992, 229-62. "Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom," Vision, Spring 1991, pp. 1, 5. "Social Interaction in the Beginning-Level Foreign Language Classroom," I.C.T.F.L. [Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages] Accents, Vol. 3, Number 4 (1991), pp. 7-9. "Teaching and Evaluating Writing as a Communicative Skill," reprinted in The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Newsletter, No. 29 (February, 1991), pp. 14-19, 45-47, 54. On y va! Video Program. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers. [Instructional design] Level I: Tape 1, 1989; Tapes 2-3, 1990; Level II, 1990. "The Effectiveness of Student Inquiry Skills," Canadian Modern Language Review, 46, 1 (October 1989), 147-63. "Teaching and Evaluating Writing as a Communicative Skill,"Foreign Language Annals, Vol. 22, No. 1, (February, 1989), pp. 43-54. "Foreign-Language Testing for Today: A Creative Focus for Hybrid Achievement Tests," Foreign Language Annals, Vol. 19, No. 6 (December 1986), 521-28. "A Table," ACTFL Materials Center, 1986. "French Lyric Poetry and French Versification," ACTFL Materials Center, 1986. "En Péril," ACTFL Materials Center, 1986. "Let Cinderella and Luke Skywalker Help you Teach the Passé composé and Imperfect," revised and expanded version, 1986. "What is this Phenomenon called 'Foreign Language Week'?" FIPLV Newsletter, January 1985. "J'ai le/du/un vin: The Problem with Articles," Northeast Conference Newsletter, 14 (September l983), 22-23. (reprinted in the North Carolina Foreign Language Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3 (1984), p. 5. "Open Syllabification and Diphthongization of /è/ a /ò/ in Pre-literary Spanish," Word, 31, No. 2 (August 1980), 199-215. "Concepts of Pastness: The Passé composé and the Imperfect," Foreign Language Annals, 14, No. 2 (April 1981), 105-10. "ACTFL Update," Bulletin of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, column appearing in each issue. "A Brief Dictionary of Grammatical Terminology for Students and Teachers of French," ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, December 1978. "Let's Get in the Swim of Things," Bulletin of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, XXXIII, 2 (February 1978), 87-92. "Monique: The Assistante," ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, 1978. "Let Cinderella and Luke Skywalker Help you Teach the Passé composé and Imperfect," ACTFL Materials Center, 1978. _____ and Jennie de Genaro, "Spanish on a Shoestring," Henrico County Public Schools, in Units of Study for Elementary Talented and Gifted Students, 1977. "Monique: Computer-assisted Drillwork," Bulletin of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, XXXIII, 1 (September 1977), 22-6. "Student Work with Monique and Learn French," Foreign Language Annals, 10, No. 2 (April 1977), 191-7. "Bicentennial and General Activities for Foreign Languages in Virginia Schools," Commonwealth of Virginia, 1976. "Faut-il or Est-ce qu'il faut: Inversion vs. est-ce que," The French Review, XLIII, 3 (February 1970), 480-2. "The Frequency of Use of the Interrogative Formula est-ce que," The French Review, XL, 6 (May 1967), 814-16. Anderson, Everett and James F. Glenn, "L'Insufflation translombaire rétropéritonéale de bioxyde de carbone," Journal d'Urologie et de NJphrologie, Vol. 2, Nos. 10-11 (1966), 737-41 (translation by Robert M. Terry). "Investigations of Inner Continental Shelf Waters off Lower Chesapeake Bay. Part III. The Phorozooid Stage of the Tunicate Doliolum nationalis," Chesapeake Science, Vols. 1-2, Nos. 1-2 (March-June, 1961), 60-64. Book Reviews Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education, by Fred Genesee and John A. Upshur. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. To appear in The Modern Language Journal. New Ways in Teaching Writing, edited by Ronald V. White. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, 1995. Reviewed in The Modern Language Journal, 80 (4) (Winter 1996), 543-44. Language Assessment in Action edited by Geoff Brindley. Sydney, NSW: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research, 1995. Reviewed in The Modern Language Journal, 80 (4) (Winter 1996), 531-32. Key Into French Dictionary, Computer software published by Exceller Software Corporation, Ithaca, NY. Reviewed in Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Newsletter, 37 (Winter 1995), 61-62. The Dynamics of Language Program Direction by David P. Benseler, ed. American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators, and Directors of Foreign Language Programs (AAUSC) annual series. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, Inc. 1994. Reviewed for The Modern Language Journal, 78 (Autumn 1994), 383-4. Evaluation, by Pauline Rea-Dickins & Kevin Germaine. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Reviewed for The Modern Language Journal, 77 (Winter 1993), 537-38. Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teachers, by Penny Ur. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Reviewed for The Modern Language Journal, 4 (1990), p. 92. Annotated Bibliography for Developing Oral Proficiency in Second and Foreign Languages, by Joel Walz. Reviewed for The Modern Language Journal, 74 (Autumn 1990), 386-87. Testing for Language Teachers, by Arthur Hughes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Reviewed for The Modern Language Journal, 74 (Autumn 1990), 383. Second Language Acquisition: Selected Readings in Theory and Practice, Glenwood H. Irons, ed., Welland, Ontario: The Canadian Modern Language Review, 1988. Reviewed for The Modern Language Journal, 73 (Autumn 1989), 344-45. Calvé, Pierre and Anthony Mollica, Le français langue seconde: des principes à la pratique. Welland, Ontario: The Canadian Modern Language Review, 1987. Reviewed for The Modern Language Journal, Winter, 1988. Dora F. Kennedy and William De Lorenzo, Complete Guide to Exploratory Foreign Language Programs, Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1985, reviewed in Bulletin of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, Fall, 1985. The following were reviewed in the Bulletin of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, XXXIX, 1 (February 1984), 17-20: Alan Garfinkel (ed.), ESL and The Foreign Language Teacher. Selected papers from the 1982 Central States Conference. Skokie, IL: National Textbook Company, 1982. _____, The Foreign Language Classroom: New Techniques. Report of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company, 1983. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne des langues vivantes: Cumulative Index/Index cumulatif, Volumes 1-37. Compiled by Anthony Mollica, Marcel Danesi, Anne Urbancic, Vol. 39, No. 3 (March 1983). The following were reviewed in the Bulletin of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia, XXXV, 2 (February 1980), 102-3: Dekovic, Gene. A Tu per Tu. Stephen Popolizio (ed.). Skokie, IL: National Textbook Company, 1978. _____. En Directo desde España. José García-Reyes (ed.). Skokie, IL: National Textbook Company, 1978. _____. Unterredungen aus Deutschland. Michaela M. Lazar (ed.). Skokie, IL: National Textbook Company, 1978. Jourdan, Noelle. Face-à-face. Skokie, IL: National Textbook Company, 1978. Pour parler, by Anne-Marie Bryan and Jean Duché (2nd ed.), reviewed in The French Review, LI, 1 (October 1977), 147-8. Pour parler, by Anne-Marie Bryan and Jean Duché, reviewed in The French Review XLIV, 4 (March 1971), 821-2. Conversation in French: Points of Departure, by Peter Bonnell and Frank Sedwick, reviewed in The French Review, XLIV, 3 (February 1971), 589. |