Focus on Language and Music
Focus on Language, Music, and Philosophy

Caught in the Net: Technology and Teaching Language Courses
Andrée Grandjean-Levy

The Semi-Virtual Composition Classroom: A Model for Techno-Amphibians
Richard Holeton

An Adjunct Model in the Computer Classroom
Katharine Isbell

Technology in English 015: Building Low-Cost, High-Powered Writing Communities
Claudine Keenan

The Buffaloes Conquer the World Wide Web
Jane Lasarenko

International Cooperation Among Institutions of Higher Learning: An Example of IRC-Based Course Delivery
Gretchen C. Mathis

The Effectiveness of the Internet in the Foreign Language Classroom
Luisa Perez

Using Computer Slide Presentations in the College Classroom
Martha C. Sammons

The Writing Process in a Multimedia Environment
Jean Simard

Changing the Paradigm: Hypertext and Interactive, Student-Centered Learning
Ann M. Woodlief

Teaching in the Electronic Music Classroom
Peter Elsea

Teaching Digital Opera and Music History
Larry W. Peterson

The Internet Classroom
Mike Awalt