Exploring Visions of Learning for the 21st Century
By James L. Morrison
and Karin Hagaman
The Proceedings of the St. Louis 2004 Learning Action Team
February 13, 1997
We are being bombarded by tumultuous forces for change as we go
into the 21st century: Virtual classrooms, global communications,
global economies, telecourses, distance learning, corporate classrooms,
increased competition among social agencies for scarce resources,
pressure for institutional mergers, state-wide program review
and so on. In order to plan effectively in this environment, we
must be able to anticipate and plan for new developments that
will affect learning generally and the roles of schools, colleges,
and other agencies and organizations in the St. Louis region specifically.
The purpose of this working session was to:
- identify potential developments that could affect education
and learning in the St. Louis region in 2004.
- derive implications and draft recommend actions vis-à-vis
these potential developments
More than 125 educators, administrators, parents, community leaders
and others from throughout the St. Louis region participated in
the session. Participants represented the full range of lifelong
learning, including: pre-K and early education; K-12; higher education;
vocational education; continuing and adult education; and special
education. In addition, participants represented the public, private
and parochial systems, and came from both Illinois and Missouri.
Exercise: Potential Events That Can Change the Future of Learning
in the 21st Century
Identify Potential Events
This exercise focused on identifying potential events that could
affect the future of learning if they occurred. Events are unambiguous
and confirmable. When they occur, the future is different. Event
identification and analysis is critical in anticipatory planning.
The read-ahead pointed out that it is important that an event
statement be unambiguous; otherwise, it is not helpful in the
planning process because (a) it is unclear what may be meant by
the statement (i.e., different people may understand the statement
differently) and (b) we have no clear target that allows us to
derive implications and action steps. For example, consider the
following event statement: There will be significant changes
in political, social, and economic systems in the U.S. Each
person on a planning team may agree with this statement, but may
also interpret it differently. It would be far more useful in
analysis for a statement like: In the next election, the political
right gains control of Congress and the presidency. Or Minorities
become the majority in 10 states. Or The European Community
incorporates Eastern Europe in a free trade zone. The latter
statements are concrete, unambiguous, and signal significant change
that could impact the future of learning.
Another point was made in the read-ahead: Do not include an impact
statement in the event statement. Consider the following event
statement: Passage of welfare and immigration reform will negatively
impact higher education and the community college sector. First,
we need to specify each welfare reform idea and each immigration
reform idea as an event. Second, it may well be that an event
can have both a positive and a negative impact. For example, there
may be signals that within five years 30% of college and university
courses will use multimedia technologies in instruction. This
event could have both positive and negative consequences on an
institution. If, for example, the faculty are not currently oriented
to using multimedia technology, the event may adversely affect
the competitive position of your institution. On the other hand,
distributing the signals of this event in a newsletter to the
faculty may bring about an awareness of what is happening and
assist in developing a desire to upgrade their set of teaching
After an initial event identification exercise, each group was
asked select those events that may have the most impact on learning
in the St. Louis region in the next decade. We used paste-on dots
for this exercise. Group members were given four dots to indicate
their selection using the following voting criteria:
- Vote for four of the most critical events for the future of
the learning in the St. Louis region that have some probability
of occurrence within the next decade.
- Do not be concerned about the event being high or low probability;
be concerned only about the severity of the impact (positive or
The most critical events identified in these exercises are in
bold as listed below.
- "Minorities" become the majority
- St. Louis Region has zero population growth
- Tribalism: cultural diversity results in divisiveness rather
than cooperation
- Teacher/administrative pool decreases by 40-50% (by 2007)
- All children have access to pre-school
- Every child entering school is prepared and anxious to learn
- Widespread riots resulting from welfare reform
- Inner-city infrastructure collapses
- Society funds educators as surrogate parents
- Private education collapses; 30% of daycare, 30 K -12 schools,
and two colleges in the St. Louis Region close
- The traditional school structure is completely rehauled
as technology transforms how, what, when and where we teach and
- 75% of educators are "on line" and computer literate
and have computers in the classroom
- School administrators say they cannot keep up with the
geometric pace of change and the "fugitive" nature of
information on the information superhighway
- Texts and other written materials are replaced as major sources
of information by electronic sources
- All schools and colleges connected by light fiber
- 30% of St. Louis residents are enrolled in degree programs
on the Internet
- Statewide instruction offered via cable
- Access to the Internet is available to all via public sites
such as libraries, etc.
- Home access to computers and the Internet exceeds 80%
- 80% of homes in St. Louis use Web TV to connect to the
- 40% of school curriculum delivered via interactive telecommunications
- 90% of organizations change their structure from
a hierarchical model to a horizontal model by 2007
- Education adapts to keep pace with the changing nature of
the workplace
- Job candidates with certification in job skills are favored
by employers over candidates from traditional degree programs
- Corporations establish an accreditation system for their development
- Recession
- Customized, consumer-driven education, encouraged by a
mosaic population augmented by changing funding resources
- Demise of current voluntary desegregation program in St. Louis
city and county
- Continuation of current voluntary desegregation program in
St. Louis city and county
- State support of public universities reduced by one-third
- Supreme Court rules that use of property taxes to fund public
education denies equal access to education
- State and/or local dollars are committed to fully fund early
childhood family education
- Federal legislation establishes every child's right to
free 14 years of public education.
- Education funding levels decline due to short-term (recession,
change in political leadership) and long-term (loss of tax base,
inequity of funding) events.
- MO legislature allows tuition credit
- Voucher system established for all schools
- Charter schools approved
- National standards/norms established and implemented for all
levels of education
- City/county government merged
- Large financial school districts established for MO, restructuring
traditional school districts' borders to allow control on a regional
- The special education district dismantled; special education
rolled into general education districts.
- U.S. Department of Education eliminated
- Federally mandated regional education control to equalize
education funding
- School board governance eliminated
- Performance-based credentialing for pre-service teachers or
Identify Signals and Implications for Selected Events, and
Recommend Actions
The next tasks were for each group to identify the signals of
one of the top five events that could occur, to list
the implications of the event if it were to occur, and to draft
recommended actions given this analysis.
The events, signals that they could occur, and draft recommendations
from each group follow:
1. EventTribalism: cultural diversity results in divisiveness
rather than cooperation
- development of culture-specific schools
- growth of hate groups
- dropout problems
- gangs
- community turned into groups competing with one another for
limited resources
- climate in community is ridden with increasing fear and animosity
- failure to utilize richness that comes from diversity
- difficult for schools to define and achieve educational goals
- profound impact on curriculum in an attempt to serve all,
more served well
- build learning communities through collaborative planning
and decision making (collaboration of parents, teachers, students,
business people, healthcare providers, social service providers,
religious institutions, and other stakeholders)
- provide opportunities for meaningful interaction among groups;
the school building becomes a community education center
- re-examine media's role in building learning communities
- stabilize neighborhoods / develop neighborhoods
- build learning communities via technology
2. Event90% of organizations change their structure from
a hierarchical model to a horizontal model
- elimination of middle managers
- mobile offices
- more collaborative working relationships
- changes in curriculum approaches and assessment
- changes in teacher training
- changes in workforce training
- schools focusing on diverse approaches
- workforce needing to be technologically literate
- shift in leadership reflecting more inclusive elements of
gender, race and culture
- change in role of educator from information source to facilitator
Action plan
- design more integrated and broader curriculum
- provide team-building experiences for students
- provide more hands-on, interactive and practical experiences
- provide new pre-service training for teachers as well as training
for new leadership roles for all educators
- ensure more equitable funding through a variety of sources,
including in-kind contributions
3. EventThe traditional school structure is completely re-hauled as technology transforms how, what, when and where we
teach and learn
- decentralization of education
- universal availability of knowledge
- lifelong learning, adult computer literacy and technical literacy;
changing job description
- technology skills required to function in society
- fax machines disappearing; replaced by e-mail
- prevalence of automation/convenience
- state and federal legislation creating an infrastructure for
- expanding use of Internet as a learning tool
- students increasing access to technology at home (often more
than at school)
- greater emphasis on engaged learning made possible via technology
- increased resources for faculty development
- increased spending for technology
- growing dependence on our technologies (when server goes down
. . .)
- cross-cultural and cross-linguistic learning
- time (e.g. workday, schoolday, re-definition of Carnegie Units)
- changes in the way we teach; what we teach
- focus on teaching how to find facts rather than facts
- decreasing significance of church and school, character and
moral education
- focus on universal access to technology
- focus on cooperative learning
- focus on interpersonal relationships
- impact on teachers' jobs (tenure, class sizes)
- overabundance of information as debilitating as restricted
access to information
- shift in teachers' role in classroom from sage on the stage
to guide on the side
- if employment is decentralized, then home becomes important
- low income populations; access/equity; haves/have-nots
- new forms of marginalization of (age, skills) etc.
- financial challenges-how to pay for this
- retraining challenges
- increase of support services-software, hardware, integration
- more learning opportunities; more individualized instruction
- students learn how to learn
- greater integration of learning
- greater separation between haves and have-nots, both at school
and at home
- address financing issues
- encourage state and federal and local legislation to develop
collaboration activities with business
- investigate alternative financing resources
- develop a regional technology plan
- establish technological learning standards for students and
- set up community learning centers
- work for universal access to the Internet
- educate the educators about the use of technology
- educate adults
- make hardware and software available through libraries in
St. Louis:
- Use Science Center to get people interested; use community
colleges to help with adult learning; use libraries, community
centers to offer community collaboration
- Make entrepreneurial opportunities available as they were
historically in 19th century
- Use computers cooperatively (with groups of 5)
- Promote computer literacy but also scientific, technical literacy;
get people up to speed, don't focus on just computer literacy
- Redefine the role of teacher, in-service and pre-service professional
development, and roles of administrators to "learn about
- Evaluate on basis of outcomes in 21st century;
no longer "certify" good teachers!
- Redefine the curriculum of what we need to know and do to
be considered an educational citizen and St. Louisan in the 21st
century (and 2004)
- Create new means of funding
4. EventSchools won't be able to keep up with the geometric
pace of change and the "fugitive" nature of information
(knowledge is exploding, is fluid, problems of validity)
- widening gap in public opinion polls based on differences
in educational background
- over one half of United Way agencies focus on mental health
- teachers are already having to teach kids how to distinguish
valid/invalid sources of information on the Internet
- textbooks can't keep up now, especially in science areas
- how do we know something is no longer valid?
- news coverage; is it premature announcement of fluid knowledge?
- people looking to trusted sources of information more and
more because of information overload and because of doubts about
reputable/valid sources of information
- space program now is collaborating with Russia, France, etc.,
to survive
- text books are obsolete as soon as teachers receive them now
- data overload
- democratic society based on educated citizens who can make
rational decisions
- already seeing businesses, organizations in marketplace who
don't succeed because they can't change fast enough
- everything is interconnected
- unless electronic information structure of St. Louis improves
drastically, we will not function well (like railroads or past-era
- need greater collaboration among all those with stake in education:
public, private, parochial, business, general public, higher ed,
- changing roles for libraries-sort through data sources and
give stamp of approval
- set up metro-wide technology infrastructure and communications
infrastructure that ensures access for all; affordable, cost-effective,
efficient with valid sources of data/information
- Need to change focus of teaching from content to balance between
context and process of learning; change from "what"
to "how" in pre-service education, professional development,
teacher recruitment, school leadership, etc.
- create incentives for collaboration and partnerships
- study ways to restructure school finance and governance on
individual and regional basis
- find ways to eliminate fiscal, physical and psychological
barriers of Mississippi River
5. EventTeachers/administrative pool decreases by 40-50%
- enrollment in college programs for educators is not increasing
- retirements are larger than enrollees to college
- demographics show number of students coming in to school is
going up
- teacher salaries are not keeping up with industry
- now SIUE is helping to look for 40 guidance counselors
- larger class sizes
- smaller number of qualified teachers
- change in focus from teacher to student in classroom; must
rely on technology to achieve the result
- hope for return to family learning
- time: longer day, longer school year, staggered schedule
- money will shift to technology and students or there will
be a competition for teachers driving up salaries
- role of the teacher must change
- learning vs. schooling
- methods and standards of testing will change
- make teaching internships part of college curriculum
- develop alternative certification programs for teachers and
priority to enter other educational programs
- increase salaries for teachers to attract and retain teachers
- emphasize that a career is not a "life sentence"-people
may come in and out of education
- give control of classrooms back to teachers
- purchase technology and educate teachers to use it wisely
6. EventEducation funding levels decline [due to short-term
(recession, change in political leadership) or long-term (loss
of tax base, inequity of funding) events]
- corporations leaving the area
- unemployment
- federal abandonment of social responsibilities
- failure to balance federal budget
- rise in interest rates
- increase in pupil/teacher ratios
- educational stagnation
- increasing alternative forms of education, vouchers, etc.
- mass migration
- erosion of support for reform
- improve schools' performance, student achievement
- create new, broad-based funding of system (e.g., not local
property tax)
- real public engagement in education
7. EventCustomized, consumer-driven education encouraged
by a mosaic population augmented by changing funding resources
- demand for new bilingual teaching
- state/federal mandates-ADA, IDEA
- increased parent activism
- development of charter schools (and other specialized schools)
- significant increases in minority population
- changes in school schedules
- growth in specialized courses
- change from teaching topics to achieving outcomes
- education becomes more of a business
- teacher certification: specialized knowledge and experiences
- tenure system: merit-based
- learning communities
- change in gender roles
- greater flexibility in content and style
- more expensive to implement
- more competition among schools
- more segmentation that could lead to less civility
- review and revise teacher training and reeducation
- increase certification flexibility
- increase charter and magnet schools within the public system
- reengineer the traditional classroom
- establish merit pay system
- combine into regional districts to achieve equitable financing
- replace property tax funding with education tax (individual,
corporate, sales)
- develop statewide salary system
- develop educational voucher system
8. EventWeb TV becomes available to all, creating
greater equity and opportunity through technology
- current TV advertising
- technology is available
- demand (from kids' current access)
- doing!
- games access
- every household has a phone and TV
- competition for control by major companies
- political priority
- high profit
- education not bound by geographic boundaries
- may reinforce isolation
- less sense of community
- schools will look at how they distribute information
- increase in teachers' access to resources
- citizens have equal access to powerful resources
- changes in formal education and high school-college
- more distance learning
- what happens to books?
- increased interest in learning
- greater interaction in family
- youngsters teaching parents
- lifelong learning
- no snow days
- teachers can teach from home
- change in school calendar
- IGP for every student
- everyone read really well
- what to do with credit
- greater value in social aspect of schooling so
a balance is necessary
- school still needs to be humanizing agent
- school facility needs (less stress on information
- distance learning centers
- smaller schools possible
- schools become a symbol of a place you go periodically
- lifelong learning/ongoing professional development
- buy stock in web TV
- foster community dialogue
- ensure universal and public access
- anticipate changes in laws and regulation
- redevelop public policy
- develop quality St. Louis-based web sites
- make sure educators maintain and develop social
9. Eventminorities become
the majority
- declining birth rates of whites
- immigration of minorities
- intermarriage
- demographic projections
- census trends
- expanded ESL (temporarily - one generation)
- greater integration of neighborhoods
- continued white flight
- greater stratification due to economics, educational
and social class
- increased cultural richness
- change in political base; shifting power structure,
new alliances and coalitions
- changing language
- coalitions (diverse) based on causes and values
- train teachers for diverse population
- celebrate diversity in teacher training
- secure more financing from state
- work to enhance civility - citizenship, conflict
resolution, community partners
10. EventEducation funding
is outcome-based
- corporate community will become a source partner
to school/university
- corporations will locate in communities with
positive results
- corporations will facilitate start-up of charter
schools and participate on the board
- students will need to continue learning after
they have been hired by corporations - ability to work in teams,
they are self-guided, have good work ethics
- definition of funding not limited to money
- all components of community are involved in funding
- stimulate a proactive involvement of corporations
and education institutions
- create new avenues to involve older adults so
to support education (need their votes)
- educate legislators on educational needs
- open forums on alternatives in education-charter,
public, vouchers
- locate/create new funding sources
- develop district internal resources (facilities,
teaching experts within districts to share services)
- expand distant learning opportunities (one teacher
offers resources to numerous schools and/or districts)
- develop a link between results and funding
- utilize agencies in sharing resources or facilities
among schools
11. EventSociety
supports role of educators as surrogate parents
- only 1 of 4 children live in a traditional home
- need for early childhood and school age child
- increase in single parent families
- decrease in age of parents
- rapid increase in prison population, male and
- increase in gangs
- increased utilization of free and reduced lunch
and breakfast programs
- increase in number of homes with two parents
- increased need for health care services in school
- communities must care about potential of all
- educators must be committed to the holistic development
of each child (e.g. character ed., values, life skills, ed. attainment)
- reduced crime
- reduced teen pregnancy
- create an informed public that gets the "big
picture" and understands the implications of multiple decisions
on education
- elect legislators committed to public ed. and
school board members committed to all children
- demonstrate importance of long-term caring relationships
between children and adults for education and development outcomes
- demonstrate effectiveness of key programs to
enhance educational outcomes (e.g. school breakfast leads to better
learning in classroom in the morning)
- promote children with the same teacher for more
than one year
- promote devoting more time and facilities/space
to broader needs
- demonstrate commitment to early intervention,
children with disabilities, and lifelong learning beginning at birth
12. EventFederal legislation establishes
every child's right to free 14 years of public education
- legislation introduced to provide structure and
- public sentiment favors such legislation
- declining enrollment in private institutions
- employers demand better-educated/trained workforce
- need for lifelong learning
- decline in job opportunities for unskilled/uneducated
- expectation of higher level of learning
- different educational curriculum/structure focusing
more on school-to-work
- increase of governmental control of education
- more productive society (higher skill job = increased
- raise educational expectations for all children
- develop action/event to affect major public paradigm
- restructure methods for funding public education
- lead charge for change
- develop greater cooperation between industry
and educational community
- develop media campaign that additional education
leads to more productive work force/citizens
13. EventVoucher system established for
all schools
- Milwaukee using vouchers
- legislature initiative in MO
- constantly discussed in media
- growing racial disharmony
- continued inequity in public education funding
- accessibility to technology
- death of public schools/resurrection of public
- creation of new/alternative schools (e.g., vocational
- escalate flight from city
- state control and tax collection
- student applicants overwhelm private schools
- subsidize private education
- public schools come together
- need further study by commission to ensure public
schools don't sink
- head for the hills or rejoice; increased collaboration
of state/public education
Critical Trends That Define the Context Within
Which Learning Will Take Place in the 21st Century
Some of the potential developments identified
in the working session were trends. Trends are estimations/measurements
of social, technological, economic, and political characteristics
over time. They are gradual and long-term. Trend information may
be used to describe the future, identify emerging issues, and
project future events. Trends define the context within which
organizations function. Therefore, it is important to identify
critical trends, particularly those that are emerging, forecast
their future direction, derive their implications for effective
planning, and construct plans to take advantage of the opportunities
they offer or ameliorate their consequences if they may negatively
impact the future of learning.
Trends identified in this session are as follows:
- Increasing gulf between children of involved
parents and non-involved parents
- Increase in the numbers of both parents working
- Increased erosion of non-verbal communication
- Changing role of traditional family
- Increase in minority populations
- Continued increase in teen pregnancy
- Increase in coping with "drug babies"
and alienated youth
- Changing values between generations
- Increased economic differences
- Erosion of a sense of shared community
- Changing educative roles and relationship of
social institutions; new sources and collaboration
- Crisis in state of family structure
- Growing emphasis on early childhood
- Population shifts from urban to suburban areas
- Greater demand for technical education at secondary
and post-secondary levels
- Teachers changing from information delivery to
facilitating student learning
- Increasing technology gap between older and younger
- Decreasing emphasis on social, emotional and
moral values
- Continuing integration of all aspects of instruction
- Increasing opportunities for distance learning
- Widening difference in technological haves and
- Increasing shortage of technologically trained
- Changing make-up of the workplace
- Changing emphasis from traditional liberal arts
curriculum to vocational programming
- Increasing acceptance of workers into workforce
without formal education
- Future work more likely to require "making"
a job rather than "taking" a job
- Increasing emphasis on lifelong learning - intergenerational
learning, continuous, life and career changes
- Increasing global market competition
- Changing nature of work - multi-careers
- Increasing regionalism, globalization
- Closer relationships between business and education/partnership
between schools and businesses and universities
- Increasing competition between schools and corporations
to provide learning
- Schools becoming more market-driven (flexible,
charters, vouchers, school choice)
- Increasing competition for same resources has
economic impacts
- Decline in federal, corporate, private support
for schools
- Continual inequity in funding public schools
- Significant decrease in funding for all levels
of education
- Loss/decrease of tax base
- Changing in funding base from real estate tax
- Increasing forms of alternative education, such
as vouchers
Next Steps
- On March 4, we will review these proceedings
in light of current realities in the St. Louis Region. This review
will give us the basis to determine the strategic direction of
the project.