American Council on Education:
2005 Council of Fellows Weekend
Doubletree Hotel Crystal City
300 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22202-2891
June 4-5, 2005
Saturday, June 4, 2005 |
8:30 am - 9:45 am |
COF Finance and Annual Fund Committee
COF Professional Development Committee
9:45 am - 11:00 am |
COF Outreach and Engagement Committee
(Including State Coordinators)
11:00 am - 11:45
pm |
11:45 am
12:00 pm
F. Javier Cevallos, President, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Marlene Ross, Director, ACE Fellows Program, and Carole Bland, Univerity of Minnesota |
12:00 pm - 1:45 pm |
The University is Dead! Long Live the University!
James L. Morrison, Editor-in-Chief, Innovate
American higher education is undergoing substantial
change in terms of the way colleges and universities are organized and
function. This change is being driven by the combined forces of
demographics, globalization, economic restructuring, and information
technology (IT)—forces that will, over the coming decade, lead us to
adopt new conceptions of educational markets, organizational structures,
how we teach, and what we teach. The purpose of this presentation is to
describe these forces and speculate on their effects on higher education
in the US and other mature industrial societies. Discussion will focus
on how university leaders can assist their institutions to adapt
organizational norms to most effectively address this future.
reading: Morrison, J. L. (2003). U.S. Higher Education in Transition. On the Horizon, 11(1), 6-10.
reading: Morrison, J. L., Sargison, A., & Francis, D. (1997). Using
The Futures Program As A Tool For Transformation: A Case Study of
Lincoln University, New Zealand. In Donald M. Norris and James L.
Morrison, Mobilizing for Transformation: How Campuses Are Preparing
for the Knowledge Age. New Directions in Institutional Research
Number 94 (19-30). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
This session will be broadcast via Elluminate Live! To participate in the broadcast, go to https://www.elluminate.com/mtg.jnlp?password=1144112567 at least 15 minutes prior to the broadcast. The broadcast will be archived within an hour of the broadcast at https://www.elluminate.com/pmtg.jnlp?psid=d693612557.254818
Jim Morrison's presentation slides are available
Reportbacks |
1:45 pm - 3:00 pm |
Neomillennial Learning Styles: Implications for Higher
Dede, Timothy E. Wirth Professor in Learning Technologies, Harvard
Graduate School of Education Emerging digital media are shaping users' motivations,
attributes, and social patterns into types of learning styles quite
different than those based on sensory, personality, or intelligence
factors. "Neomillennial" students seek learning situations
that interweave face-to-face interactions with shared virtual
experiences across distance and time (distributed-learning). This
session will demonstrate examples of middle and high school
distributed-learning experiences based on immersive game-like
educational simulations and will discuss implications of students'
neomillennial learning styles for higher education. Required reading:
Dede, C. (2005). Planning
for “Neomillennial” Learning Styles: Implications for Investments in
Technology and Faculty. In J. Oblinger and D. Oblinger (Eds.), Educating
the Net Generation, pp. 226-247. Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE
Publishers. Supplementary readings: Dede, C., and Palombo, M.
(2004). Virtual
Worlds for Learning. Threshold (Summer, 2004), 16-20 and
Dede, C., Whitehouse, P., & Brown-L’Bahy, T. (2002) Designing
and Studying Learning Experiences that Use Multiple Interactive Media to
Bridge Distance and Time. In C. Vrasidas & G. Glass (Eds.), Current
Perspectives on Applied Information Technologies. Vol. 1: Distance
Education, pp. 1-30. Greenwich, CN: Information Age Press. Chris
Dede's presentation slides are available
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm |
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm |
Honoring the Fellows Program: Leadership & Faculty
Presentations by
David Ward, President, American
Council on Education
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm |
Improving Institutional Performance through
Technology-Enabled Innovation
H. Graves, Senior Vice President for Academic Strategy, SunGard
Collegis, Moderator
The recently released report from the
State Higher Education Executive Officers' National Commission on
Accountability in Higher Education, Accountability
for Better Results: A National Imperative for Higher Education, calls
for measurably improving institutional performance in several academic
dimensions while simultaneously reducing expenses and holding the
line on tuition increases. The report is silent, however, on just how to
do this. Presidential panelists and experienced corporate leaders will discuss the proposition
that in higher education, as in the national economy, any strategy for
improving quality while also improving productivity and competitiveness
must rely on technology-enabled innovations through service process redesign. The discussion will include
panelists representing different institutional contexts (and their stories/accomplishments) and corporate leaders experienced in supporting higher education's attempts to improve institutional performance.
Required reading: Graves, W. H. (2005).
Improving Institutional Performance through IT-Enabled Innovation.
William Graves' presentation slides for the introduction to this
session are available
here. Presidential Panelists:
Toni Cleveland, Vice Chancellor of the Virginia Comminity College System (retired)
Robert M. Smith, President, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Tyler Kelsch, Vice President/CFO/Treasurer, Becker College
Corporate Leaders:
Russ Griffith, President and CEO, Datatel
Mark Milliron, Vice President, Education Practice, SAS
William H. Graves, Senior Vice President, Academic Strategy, SunGard Collegis
6:15 pm - 9:00 pm |
Sponsored by Datatel, Elluminate, SAS, SMART Technologies, and SunGard Collegis
Reconnect with old friends, faculty, and staff, and meet new ones as you visit the vendor exhibits.
June 5, 2004 |
7:30 am - 8:45 am |
Breakfast: Making the Most of Your Fellowship Year
(Current and former Fellows give advice to the incoming class.)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Planning & Plans for the Technologically
Competitive Academic Institution
Ray Haas, University Professor Emeritus, University
of Virginia
This session will begin with a presentation and discussion of various ways in which technology has affected institutional planning processes. The ways in which technology has influenced the actual content of institutional plans will be handled through small group discussions and reports. Each participant will be assigned to a small group by institutional type, i.e., college, community college, and university, and will discuss one of the questions below:
A. How has technology affected the content of your institution’s strategic plans during the past five years?
B. What will a “technologically competitive” university, community college, or college look like during the next five years?
C: What knowledge, skills and abilities will be required to lead a “technologically competitive” university, community college, or college during the next five years? How should an ACE Fellow prepare himself or herself to qualify for a leadership position in a technologically competitive university, community college, or college?
The session will conclude with a presentation titled: “Some overarching questions and answers about the technologically aware/competitive institution - the Wisdom Factor.”
Ways to prepare for this session: First, think about the history of planning at your institution, giving special attention to the ways in which technology has been used to facilitate planning activities and the ways in which technology has been treated in the content of the plans. Second, read your institution’s most recent strategic plan; or, if you or your institution is a member of the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) and you have a SCUP “online directory password,” go to SCUP.org. In the heading of the site, click on the word, “knowledge,” click on “campus plans,” and then follow the directions to select from among the 800 plans of 400 different institutions.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm |
Luncheon: Celebrating the Reunion Classes, 1974-75, 1984-85, 1994-95
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |
Technology Trends in Higher Education
Mark Luker, Vice President, EDUCAUSE
Campus IT leaders have followed a common strategy for over two decades--build a campus network and connect everyone and everything to it. Connect to the Internet. Our institutions were transformed as email, web sites, administrative systems, libraries, databases, course management systems, research facilities and many other services came online. For the most part, the IT needs of the community were provided (and controlled) by the institution.
This simple and effective progression is now challenged by a flood of opportunities and unanticipated consequences. New technologies of all shapes and sizes may offer better solutions. “Wired” students and faculty increasingly rely on their own personal technology. Commercial alternatives are increasingly available, even on campus. Hackers, worms, viruses, and spam sap our resources and threaten us with new institutional liabilities. We are just beginning to tackle the core issues of cybersecurity and electronic identity. Although it sometimes seems like we must start over again to get it right, our present systems are already mission critical. What are campus leaders to do? What are they doing?
This session will be broadcast via Elluminate Live! To participate in the broadcast, go to https://www.elluminate.com/mtg.jnlp?password=1428435315 at least 15 minutes prior to the broadcast. The broadcast will be archived within an hour of the broadcast at https://www.elluminate.com/pmtg.jnlp?psid=d313820793.254819
Mark Luker's presentation slides are available
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
Neomillennials Speak for Themselves
Facilitators: LaDon Jones, Baptist College of Health Sciences and
Ellen Dauwer,
Associate Technology Officer for Academic Technology, College
of Saint Elizabeth
Kbasawinab, Student, Northern Virginia Community College
Bonnie James, Student, Marymount University
Nathan Qazi, Student, Northern Virginia Community College
Emmanuel Dosii Zuana, Student, Northern Virginia Community College
Mailing List. The conference mailing list is available for participants' use to ask questions prior to the conference as well as to enable them to continue the discussion after the conference. The list is closed (i.e., only those who register for the conference may post messages to the list). To post a message, insert acefellows@listserv.unc.edu in the "To" line.
If you wish to reply to a message by clicking on "reply", you will reply only to the sender (this prevents messages that may be irrelevant to the entire list from being sent to the list); if you wish your reply to go to everyone, click on "reply all." The list archives are available to all as a public service.