Databases and Statistics |
Financial Data Finder |
7/15/1999 |
The Ohio State University Department of Finance has made a Financial Data Finder
available on the Web. There are pointers pages to data providers, including Canadian,
Australian, United Kingdom, and Spanish, as well as U.S. providers; historical data; free
and for-fee current quotations; market news and analysis; and business libraries. |
Rand Corporation |
This research by the Rand Corporation seeks to determine the major factors and trends shaping the future of work in the current century, and how those factors are likely to evolve over the next 10 to 15 years. It also seeks to determine the implications of these trends upon the workforce, the workplace, and worker compensation. |
Social Indicators of Development,
1994 |
7/15/1999 |
"Social Indicators of Development" contains the World Bank's most detailed
data collection for assessing human welfare to provide a picture of the social effects of
economic development. Data are presented for over 170 economies, omitting only those for
which data are inadequate. |
The Numbers Game: The Top 10 Sources for Statistics |
7/15/1999 |
Paula Berinstein has located ten sources that answer a large number of researchers'
statistical questions. Most of the sources are available on the Web, as well as in print
format. She also includes a list of tips for finding statistics online. |
U.S. Census Bureau |
7/13/1999 |
This is the main page for the U.S. Census Bureau. |
UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics |
7/15/1999 |
The Statistics Division of the United Nations Division for Economic and Social
Information and Policy Analysis has made selections from its Monthly Bulletin of
Statistics freely available (after registration) for a trial period on the web. Each issue
contains a selection of tables from the print version. |
Education |
Economic Education Web |
7/15/1999 |
The purpose of EcEdWeb, the Economic Education Website, is to provide support for
economic education in all forms and at all levels. |
Greenstar |
Greenstar is investing in self-contained, solar-powered community centers in remote communities around the world. Each center has Internet connections, health facilities, including telemedicine, a classroom complete with
distance learning equipment, and a business center, through which we will operate ecommerce in native cultural products. The solar array powers the unit, preserves
medicines and also purifies water. Ecommerce is the revenue stream that pays for the facilities and brings wealth into the community. The main line of product will be "digital
culture," such as music and art, that can be duplicated and transported effortlessly, making the transaction completely green and highly efficient. The community will eventually own all these social services and an income source that preserves culture by giving it market value.
Sweatshops and Butterflies
Media samples:
Greenstar people
Rand Corporation |
This research by the Rand Corporation seeks to determine the major factors and trends shaping the future of work in the current century, and how those factors are likely to evolve over the next 10 to 15 years. It also seeks to determine the implications of these trends upon the workforce, the workplace, and worker compensation. |
The AutoAuditorium System for televising lectures |
I would like to make you aware of the AutoAuditorium System, a
technology that could have a very positive impact on the availability
of Distance Education. In a nut shell ...
Create Auditorium and Classroom Videos Without a Crew!
The AutoAuditorium System turns an ordinary auditorium, lecture hall or
classroom into one that automatically makes broadcasts and recordings of
lectures and talks. Permanently installed in the room, it uses cameras and
microphones to be "aware" of what is happening on stage. It televises the most
common auditorium talk: people speaking on stage, showing slides to a local
Because the system is completely automatic, the people on stage and in the
local audience are not distracted. To remote audiences, an AutoAuditorium
program is usually indistinguishable from one produced by a crew.
Easy and economical to use, it is used often. Thus many more people can avoid
traveling, or missing talks because of a schedule conflicts. Classes taught
in one location can be telecast to other locations and/or recorded for later
IBM TJ Watson Research has three systems in use. They published a paper in
January 2001 saying that they were creating video for their e-Seminar service
at the rate of 5 - 10 hours per week. Since then, their use has increased.
They created 150 AutoAuditorium videos in 2002, which grew to 233 in 2003.
Boeing also has a system, used to send presentations from Seattle around the
Additional information is available from
Foveal Systems
973 822-2085
See the video demonstration at
The World Lecture Hall |
7/15/1999 |
This site contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to
deliver class materials. |
edHelper WebQuests, Lessons, Worksheets, and News |
11/1/2000 |
Over 1,000 Webquests
Over 6,000 Lesson Plans
Free Worksheets
Educational News updated Daily
Over 500 Educational Programs (11/1/2000) |
Internet Resources |
BigTenU |
9/7/2001 |
BigTenU focuses on the broad mix of policy issues affecting higher education today through case studies, informed viewpoints, and a discussion forum. BigTenU also provides a growing list of domestic and foreign education policy resources. (9/7/2001) |
Greenstar |
Greenstar is investing in self-contained, solar-powered community centers in remote communities around the world. Each center has Internet connections, health facilities, including telemedicine, a classroom complete with
distance learning equipment, and a business center, through which we will operate ecommerce in native cultural products. The solar array powers the unit, preserves
medicines and also purifies water. Ecommerce is the revenue stream that pays for the facilities and brings wealth into the community. The main line of product will be "digital
culture," such as music and art, that can be duplicated and transported effortlessly, making the transaction completely green and highly efficient. The community will eventually own all these social services and an income source that preserves culture by giving it market value.
Sweatshops and Butterflies
Media samples:
Greenstar people
The International Economics Network |
4/9/2001 |
The International Economics Network is an annotated, selective portal for international economics and related disciplines, which includes regularly updated links to research papers, news and commentaries in the field.
Its target audience is researchers and educators in the field of international economics, as well as related disciplines. (4/9/2001) |
Journals and Articles |
BigTenU |
9/7/2001 |
BigTenU focuses on the broad mix of policy issues affecting higher education today through case studies, informed viewpoints, and a discussion forum. BigTenU also provides a growing list of domestic and foreign education policy resources. (9/7/2001) |
Electronic Commerce World |
7/15/1999 |
EC World is a new free online publication that addresses the need for a comprehensive
coverage and productive discussion of the numerous issues and implications of the emerging
discipline of Electronic Commerce. |
Forbes |
7/15/1999 |
The Forbes website which features the full text of articles and other special features. |
Rand Corporation |
This research by the Rand Corporation seeks to determine the major factors and trends shaping the future of work in the current century, and how those factors are likely to evolve over the next 10 to 15 years. It also seeks to determine the implications of these trends upon the workforce, the workplace, and worker compensation. |
The Economist |
7/15/1999 |
Access to articles in the current edition of the Economist and a searchable archive for
registered users. |
The Global E-Learning News |
9/6/2000 |
The Global E-Learning News is a print monthly newsletter for executives, entrepreneurs, and
business leaders in the global virtual university movement. It covers partnerships, marketing trends,
new product launches, and global company developments in the for-profit world of virtual learning. (9/6/2000) |
The Numbers Game: The Top 10 Sources for Statistics |
7/15/1999 |
Paula Berinstein has located ten sources that answer a large number of researchers'
statistical questions. Most of the sources are available on the Web, as well as in print
format. She also includes a list of tips for finding statistics online. |
The Virtual University Business Digest |
9/6/2000 |
The Virtual University Business Digest is a print monthly newsletter for executives, entrepreneurs, and
business leaders in the virtual university movement. It covers partnerships, marketing trends,
and new product and company developments in the for-profit world of virtual learning. (9/6/2000) |
The Wall Street Journal |
7/15/1999 |
This pay site for the respected daily economic journal offers free trail subscriptions. |
Listservs |
List of Listservs |
6/29/2000 |
A list of listservs helpful in scanning the macro-environment. Compiled by the HORIZON staff. (6/29/2000) |
Organizations |
BigTenU |
9/7/2001 |
BigTenU focuses on the broad mix of policy issues affecting higher education today through case studies, informed viewpoints, and a discussion forum. BigTenU also provides a growing list of domestic and foreign education policy resources. (9/7/2001) |
Greenstar |
Greenstar is investing in self-contained, solar-powered community centers in remote communities around the world. Each center has Internet connections, health facilities, including telemedicine, a classroom complete with
distance learning equipment, and a business center, through which we will operate ecommerce in native cultural products. The solar array powers the unit, preserves
medicines and also purifies water. Ecommerce is the revenue stream that pays for the facilities and brings wealth into the community. The main line of product will be "digital
culture," such as music and art, that can be duplicated and transported effortlessly, making the transaction completely green and highly efficient. The community will eventually own all these social services and an income source that preserves culture by giving it market value.
Sweatshops and Butterflies
Media samples:
Greenstar people
Tools |
Fairmodel |
7/15/1999 |
This site brings the power of large scale macroeconometric analysis to anyone with
access to the internet. It is a resource for business forecasters, government policy
analysts, macroeconomic researchers, teachers, and students. |
Greenstar |
Greenstar is investing in self-contained, solar-powered community centers in remote communities around the world. Each center has Internet connections, health facilities, including telemedicine, a classroom complete with
distance learning equipment, and a business center, through which we will operate ecommerce in native cultural products. The solar array powers the unit, preserves
medicines and also purifies water. Ecommerce is the revenue stream that pays for the facilities and brings wealth into the community. The main line of product will be "digital
culture," such as music and art, that can be duplicated and transported effortlessly, making the transaction completely green and highly efficient. The community will eventually own all these social services and an income source that preserves culture by giving it market value.
Sweatshops and Butterflies
Media samples:
Greenstar people
International Political Economy Network |
7/15/1999 |
The IPENet maintains an extensive collection of electronically retrievable documents
related to the Global Political Economy. |
Juran Institute |
7/15/1999 |
A professional consulting service. |
Trends and Issues |
Brave New Work World |
7/15/1999 |
A website concerned with life and work in the revolutionary new world economy. |
Corporate Welfare Information Center |
7/15/1999 |
This site examines the enormous corporate subsidies paid out by the U.S. government each
year. |
Ecological Economics |
7/15/1999 |
ISEE is a nonprofit organization that encourages the integration of economics and
ecology into a transdiscipline aimed at developing a sustainable world. |
Economics Working Paper Archives |
7/15/1999 |
This award winning service (provided by the Economics Department of Washington
University ), is devoted to the free distribution of working papers in economics. There
are 22 subject areas, along with a test posting area, a meetings area, an area for
programs and an area for data. Other areas are added when demand dictates. |
Greenstar |
Greenstar is investing in self-contained, solar-powered community centers in remote communities around the world. Each center has Internet connections, health facilities, including telemedicine, a classroom complete with
distance learning equipment, and a business center, through which we will operate ecommerce in native cultural products. The solar array powers the unit, preserves
medicines and also purifies water. Ecommerce is the revenue stream that pays for the facilities and brings wealth into the community. The main line of product will be "digital
culture," such as music and art, that can be duplicated and transported effortlessly, making the transaction completely green and highly efficient. The community will eventually own all these social services and an income source that preserves culture by giving it market value.
Sweatshops and Butterflies
Media samples:
Greenstar people
Labornet |
7/15/1999 |
LaborNet is a community of labor unions, activists and organizations using computer
networks for information sharing and collaboration on a global basis with the intent of
increasing the human rights and economic justice of workers. |
Rand Corporation |
This research by the Rand Corporation seeks to determine the major factors and trends shaping the future of work in the current century, and how those factors are likely to evolve over the next 10 to 15 years. It also seeks to determine the implications of these trends upon the workforce, the workplace, and worker compensation. |
Trends in Developing Economies,
1994 |
7/15/1999 |
Trends in Developing Economies (TIDE) provides brief reports on most of the World
Bank's borrowing countries. This compendium of individual country economic trends
complements the World Bank's World Development Report, which looks at major global and
regional economic trends and their implications for the future prospects of the developing
economies. |
SECTORS: Social | Technological | Economic | Environmental | Political |